Archive for October 16th, 2007

Oct 16 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10/16/2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Ken and I have been trying out Atkins (sort of) diet again. He’s losing a few pounds, but not like when we tried it last time. I’ve lost a few pounds, too. Best of all, his sugar is down to normal for the first time in nearly 2 years and he’s a much nicer person for it! It’s a challenge keeping the carbs away. We both love pasta and bread too much. And it’s challenging to find palatable things to eat out that don’t include pasta or bread.

I’ve been feeding the birds homemade foods which include a lot of organic vegetables and fruits. Thankfully I can use some of the veggies on our own menues, so it makes it not quite so expensive a prospect to feed the birds in a healthy manner. They sure look great on this diet — feathers are shiny and brightly colored and they are very active and talkative. They still get seeds and nuts — they wouldn’t be healthy without those, too, but the oatmeal, broccoli, kale, endive, carrots, cauliflower and yams help give them a balanced diet.

Mockingbird??I had a new visitor to the birdfeeder Sunday. I thought at first that it was a catbird, but he doesn’t have the head markings of a catbird so think he’s just a mockingbird. Possibly just a young one as he didn’t seem as large as the one that came to the suet feeder last winter.


birdAnd then this morning came this guy and I have no idea what he is despite looking on the internet for similar pictures. With his dark cap and short bill I want to say he’s some sort of sparrow or finch.

The Cardinals finally have completed their molt and are looking more like Cardinals 🙂 For awhile there, they looked VERY scruffy. Heat and dryness probably contributed to thier less-than-spiffy looks.

Guess I need to get back to work.

Love to all,


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