Archive for October 1st, 2007

Oct 01 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10/01/2007

Filed under Uncategorized

October 1st! This year is flying by!

Yesterday was a red-letter day for me (and Ken). Our Whippet girl, Butterfly was Best Bred-By in Show. That was so exciting! I’m still on Cloud 9! Butterfly is the same as if nothing ever happened, but that’s a dog for you 😆 I will share the photograph with you when it comes in a couple of weeks. I more than likely look like a troll thanks to the long day, windy weather (it was an outdoor show) and the fact that my hairspray failed within an hour of arrival at the show site at 7:30 am and the photo was taken at 3:15 pm :P, but I’m POSITIVE Butterfly looks gorgeous!

The countdown to move has started. Wes is making arrangements for moving trucks, etc and Jerry’s wife has been ordering furniture, a new phone system and lots of other things for the new office. I’m still worried about the servers being moved and set up properly, but have been assured that it will all go off without a hitch. 🙄 — call me a worry wart, but in my experience, nothing ever goes exactly as planned.

That’s my report for today!

Love to all,



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