Archive for January, 2016

Jan 05 2016

Profile Image of Margaret

It’s been a long time…

Filed under Daily Notes

It’s been a long time since I wrote a blog post on this blog. Probably no one is reading this anymore. And that’s to be expected. If you neglect your audience, you can expect them to lose interest in you.

My life has changed so much in the intervening years from my last post here.

I graduated college (BS in Information Technology — that’s still the crowning achievement of my professional life), got offered a new job and subsequently was offered a second new job which I’m still at. Those new jobs brought huge challenges that consumed (and continue to consume) a lot of my time and energy. I still maintained life with the dogs and photography though, but let the creative writing lapse. There are only so many hours in the day and alas, as I age, only so much energy in the pot.

Age — that has happened with a vengeance.

My friends are gracious and tell me that I don’t look my age. Thank you! I am vain enough to appreciate that VERY much!

However, my body tells me otherwise in myriad different ways.

  • hot flashes
  • joint aches
  • lack of stamina
  • easily tired
  • depression
  • insomnia

The list could go on longer, but I won’t bore you with any more — that would make me a whiner which I try very hard not to be.

I see my sisters and my mother age and have to thank God that I have it so easy! No matter how hard my row has been to hoe, it’s been much harder on them! I must remember to focusĀ on the happy and good things in my life. Focusing too long or too hard on those not-so-good-things just seems to make them all the worse.

One of my FaceBook friends posted a little image with some words of wisdom.

If you FAIL never give up because F.A.I.L. stands for First Attempt In Learning.
END is not the end. E.N.D. stands for Effort Never Dies.
If you get NO for an answer, just remember N.O. stands for Next Opportunity.

My mantra for the next few months.

Go in Peace

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