Archive for October 2nd, 2007

Oct 02 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10/02/2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Good morning all!

I hear Sis #2 has a toothache and is headed to the dentist today for some relief. I know how Ken suffererd from his teeth, so feel for you Sis. Crummy way to spend your pre-birthday days. I also hear you have a new ‘puter! It’s so lovely when they are squeaky clean and new.

How about our Mom?!? She de-installed and re-installed her printer all by herself! She will soon be telling us how to keep our computers clean and up to date! I’m so proud of her!

Eddie says he’s having his knee worked on later this week. I know that’s been troubling him for over a month now, so I’m glad he’s finally getting some relief from that!

I’m working from home today as I have an SSIG meeting tonight that I don’t want to miss. Topic is setting up a cube — really cool stuff!

My hummingbirds seem to have abandoned me. I haven’t seen any at my feeder in nearly a week now. It seems awfully early for them to have already flown south for the winter.

The deer are not so absent, though. I’m seeing larger groups of them in the yard in the Ugly deer with her fawnsevening — guess it’s getting to be their mating season. There is one doe that comes that has to be the ugliest deer I’ve ever seen! She is horribly knock-kneed in the front and has a head like a mule. She has two fawns with her that are going to be just as ugly as she is. Poor things! You can see her ugly head in this photo.


Well, that’s all my news for today. Hope you have a happy day!

Love to all,



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