Archive for October 5th, 2007

Oct 05 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily notes 10/05/2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Good morning and TGIF! Another week has gone by and we are still here, writing and reading.

It rained yesterday! YAHOO! A nice soaking rain, too. I can hear it in the birdsong that this rain is so welcome! It’s taking a bit longer for the plants to respond as they are so parched, but I believe I see a tiny bit of greening to them and a “plumping” of the leaves. It’s supposed to rain more today and tomorrow, but honestly and truthfully, we need several weeks of rain (not that I really WANT weeks of rain, but several days followed by cool weather followed by several days of rain would work OK).

Got to get back to work — sorry this is so short.

Love to all,


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