Archive for August, 2009

Aug 10 2009

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 08/10/2009

Filed under Daily Notes

I know I have been horribly negligent of this little blog lately. All I can do is cite work and school for excuses (although Ken will be quick to add in FarmTown).

I know this weekend I was living my worst nightmare!

You all know how I feel about laundry — do I need to remind you what a thankless task I believe this to be?

Well, it seems that we some how managed to get infected with some kind of biting insect. It was NOT fleas as the dogs all have had baths and Frontline applied, but Ken and I both were itching to beat the band. I never saw any bugs that I could say was the culprit. The lady at the pest control place said it must be bedbugs, but we haven’t been anywhere to contract them (unless Ken isn’t telling me something). Anyway, we treated the bedroom for bedbugs and that involved removing every piece of clothing, bedding, curtains and pillows and washing them all.  It took me two solid days of literally loading the washer, transferring to the dryer, folding and putting away to get it all done. I think Ken and I have too many t-shirts. If this doesn’t work, I think I will commit hari kari.

I still think the little rescue dog that came from Georgia brought something with her, but the pest control people say that bedbugs don’t travel on dogs. I haven’t done any research on that, but it doesn’t ring true as other biting insects don’t care what species mammal they are biting.

Wherever they came from I certainly hope they are now eradicated!

Now if we can just get the itching under control, we will both be much happier people.

Love to all,

the itchy Margaret

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