Archive for October 13th, 2007

Oct 13 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10/13/2007

Filed under Uncategorized

I HATE laundry! 😡

This HAS to be the most boring job there is and it’s the one I look forward to the least of any I have to do. I feel like I’m chained to those dratted machines!

OK scientists and inventors — it’s time to put your thinking caps on and address these two time wasters. Just look how much energy, water and time you would save by inventing a closet (no, we don’t want another machine –then I would STILL be trekking the clothes from one place to another -it’s much more efficient to store them in the same place they can be cleaned in) that you can hang your dirty clothes up in and it cleans them electrostatically (or something). Or invent a fabric that never has to be cleaned. I know you’ve invented fabric that is treated to not harbor germs. Well, create one that stays perpetually fresh, neatly pressed and fits whatever body shape is in it (well, while I’m challenging the scientific world, I might as well ask for the moon, right??)

Once my laundry is done, I can go out and play. Right now, though, it’s ball-and-chained to the washer and dryer 😥

Damn!!! There goes the buzzer again! Back to work…..

Love to all,


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