Tag Archive 'Dog'

Oct 20 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 10/20/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Oscar runs

Image by eyespi20 via Flickr

Good morning everyone! I sure hope you had a great weekend (and to judge by Becky’s email, they certainly did!). Our weather, once we got past Friday was fairly nice. Cool, crisp nights followed by warm, sunny days. It should have been perfect.

It was anything but.

When I got home from work Friday, I discovered that Butterfly was missing and the fence next to the gate in the back yard was almost completely down. I’m just surprised that more dogs weren’t missing than Butterfly and truly surprised that out of all the Whippets that could have been gone that it was her that was missing!

So, Ken and I spent the next two days scouring the area, he tramping through the woods and me driving up and down gravel roads calling and calling. We put up signs everywhere with her photo on them. No phone calls came — which was not a good sign at all.

In the past, whenever a dog has gone missing, we usually get a phone call within hours of putting up a sign, but not this time. Not one single phone call. No sightings by us. We had no idea which direction she left in and no idea where she might have gone.

This morning, I kept hearing dogs barking in the area. I hoped and prayed it was because there was a white whippet running loose, but still didn’t come across her despite driving around some more and calling and calling and calling.

Then, I came home and got ready for work. Ken left for work and I was paying some bills that needed to be paid before leaving for work myself and then there were lights in the driveway and my dogs barking. I got up from the desk to see why Ken had to return and there he was, with Butterfly in his arms…..oh my! How the tears of joy flowed from us both! He was late for work, but that didn’t matter. Butterfly was home!

She’s a bit scratched up and seems to have come into season, but I don’t think it’s time for her to be bred just yet, so maybe she’s not PG. If she is, well, we’ll deal with that as it may need to be dealt with. She was hungry and ate and when I left for work was sound asleep in the softest bed in the house.

So, here I am — stuck at work, exhausted from 3 nights of virtually no sleep, but life must go on for us as we’re the providers for our little four-legged family. A four-legged family whose lost sheep has come back to the fold…

Thank you, Lord.

Love to all,


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