Archive for October 11th, 2007

Oct 11 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10/11/2007

Filed under Uncategorized

What a glorious morning I woke up to! Crisp fall air, a beautiful, clear sky with the big dipper in blazing glory overhead. An awakening chorus of birdsong echoing my delight with the morning’s promise. If our weather prognosticator is to be believed, the high today will be in the low 70’s — how refreshing! And this weather pattern is supposed to hold over through the weekend. That is so lovely! The only thing missing are the colorful leaves that we usually have by now. I’m afraid the drought and hot weather is going to circumvent that event this year and I will miss it so.

I have nothing much planned for this weekend. Ken is working (as far as I know), so I will have plenty of time to get some things done without him being underfoot or distracting me from my chosen task.

I have all my stuff packed and removed from my cube in preparation of our move to the new building. That will take place on the 25th/26th.  I just have my radio and some books left to pack and those along with my computer will have to wait until the day of the move as I use them daily.

Guess I should get on with my latest report.

Have a wonderful day!

Love to all,



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