Archive for October 8th, 2007

Oct 08 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10/08/2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Happy Columbus Day!!  Hope you’re all having an adventurous day!

Saturday was a fortuitous day for the Hounds of Kemar. We went to Augusta with hopes for a good day and it did not disappoint. Payne (Crested girl) was Winners Bitch for a single point giving her a total of 4 (it takes 15, so she’s on her way), then waited around for what seemed like forever for time for Whippets to go in. Tigger was Reserve Winners to yet a third puppy — very discouraging for Ken, but since Tigger looks little more than a puppy himself, it’s hard to do any better — his day will come…. Butterfly was again Winners for one point giving her 13.  I’m just so proud of them both as it was a long day for them since we had to be there early for Cresteds and Whippets weren’t until 1:30 and didn’t actually go in the ring until nearly 2:30 as there were so many before them in that time slot. They held up well and showed well, though.

Ken was off yesterday and spent the day watching t.v. once we got home from eating breakfast and going to Sam’s Club and Walmart.

I did a little housework (vac, laundry) and groomed some dogs that needed it. Played a little on the computer as I was tagged for this weeks’ provider of tutorial site, script and graphics for one of the stationery groups I’m in. I’m thinking seriously of dumping the one as there is so little participation in it and the group owner is so boring with her choices of themes, etc. One I keep getting asked to join is too busy and I don’t have time for it. This one that I just did the tag for seems to be just right — oh dear! That sounds so much like goldilocks!!

Are any of you doing scrapbooking? I’m not, but have stumbled across some blogs that are devoted to it. Some of those people are major talented!

Have not heard from Eddie about his knee surgery, so I’m assuming all went well with it. I will try to call them later just to make sure.

Our diet is going pretty well. Ken and I have both lost some weight — don’t know how much he’s lost total, but I’m down about 6 pounds. Not too bad for a weeks’ worth of dieting!

Well, I guess I should get back to work.

Take care!

Love to all,



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