Archive for January 30th, 2008

Jan 30 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01/30/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Good morning! Hope everyone is doing well this morning! Ma – I hope you are all rested up from defrosting the freezer!

Oh — and thanks for letting us know about Nancye. I’m glad she’s doing well and am keeping her in my prayers. Do tell her that, OK?

Ken got his golf club Monday and boy is he ever impressed with it! It’s got this HUGE head on it (I don’t think I’ve ever seen a club head that large!) and a really long shaft. According to the website, this is supposed to give you long, low drives. We are planning on creating the first commercial Sunday as the weather is supposed to be in the 60’s and cloudy which should be good for taping. I’ve got the beginnings of a scenario rolling around in my head and need to get it down on paper and get some blocking (that’s theater talk for moving the actors around on the stage) down. I’ve even been toying with production company names 😆 — the first I though of was Howling Hound Productions, but then I also thought of Laughing Parrot Productions. Which one do you think is best? Or do you have another suggestion?

I looked over to the side over there and realized that I haven’t written a poem in a really long time. I really need to take some time out from all the other pies I have fingers in and wet a finger in that one.

Going to have lunch with Lee today and I think Sandra is coming along, too. Don’t know yet where we’ll be eating, but have to make up my mind pretty soon so I can let Lee know.

Well, I suppose I’ve rambled on enough. I sure hope you have a good day!

Love to all,


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