Archive for January 8th, 2008

Jan 08 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01/08/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Good morning all. It’s Tuesday and I’m not working from home today. I had a meeting scheduled at 9 with the guy who’s writing a web interface for the company, but now he’s put it off until 1:30, so I’m stuck here. Ken’s taking a half day from work to take Skinny Marie back to the vets — this time to say a final good bye. She is just too weak to stand and I came home last night to her lying on the floor in a puddle of poo with her poor heart just about beating out of her chest. She was so exhausted from trying to get out of the mess. I could only get her to eat a tiny bit of egg and she usually has a really healthy appetite.

It’s very sad around our house right now.

Well, I have to stay busy or I’ll be crying all day, so will say …

Love to all,


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