Archive for January 13th, 2008

Jan 13 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01/13/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Good morning everyone! As you can tell, I’ve been tweaking around the look of the blog. Don’t know why I’m so restless lately — just tired of the same old look, I guess. I’ve also made some changes to the website — nothing more than the look, but cleaned up coding which you can’t see from where you’re sitting but things that make the pages load faster and work better with each other.

I’ve spent most of the day reading — but not the book I was SUPPOSED to be reading, so now must put nose to the grindstone and get ‘er done as they say. I promised myself I would read at least 200 pages this weekend. Yesterday was spent doing household chores, but I’ve been totally lacking today.

Take care!

Love to all,


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