Archive for January 21st, 2008

Jan 21 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01/21/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Brrrrr and a good morning to you, too! I know you all are probably colder, but there’s a point at which colder is just a relative term. Cold is COLD. It’s 17º here this morning and I know Judy said it was 4º at her place yesterday, so technically I’m warmer, but I defy you to tell me you feel any difference between 4 and 17! Be honest! You’re just COLD!

Well, the new scent is a winner — not only do I like it, but Ken does too and it doesn’t trigger the reaction he has to many scents.

Nothing much going on today at work as far as I know. Just SOS and status quo. Ken has a short day today since it’s supposed to be a holiday for him. I don’t get MLK day here. I’m probably lucky to get Good Friday 🙂

Guess I should get on with my usual Monday tasks.

Love to all,


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