Archive for January 7th, 2008

Jan 07 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 01/08/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Good morning! Don’t know about your weather, but ours is positively balmy! It’s a shame I had to come to work this morning!

There’s nothing of note on the agenda today. I’ll probably devote some time to reading The Book — I’m up to 150 pages, so really need to get cracking and am getting close to the point where I believe the book will get interesting and very relevant to my job.

I spent some time this weekend revising the website and rewriting a few pages. I have a lot more that needs to be done along with some projects regarding the site that I would like to get in place, too. Meanwhile, I have this and one other blog to keep writing in. There’s a third blog that I was posting PSP tutorials to, and due to a serious lack of interest in PSP on my part lately, I’ve let that lapse for now. I’m hoping my interest will reignite before too long.

It seems that Clarify is down, so I need to get on that. I don’t think it’s our side, but rather theirs as I’m getting email from the outside.

Love to all,


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