Archive for March 28th, 2008

Mar 28 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 03/28/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

I learned something today.


I learned what a squab is.


I’ve encountered the word in books (probably those cheesy romance novels I read almost nonstop for years) and knew it was some kind of bird, but not exactly what. Listening to NPR this morning Walter Edgar told us about a plant in Spartanburg that was built during WWII to breed carrier pigeons to use for the war and which now produces some 100,000 squabs a week for export to gourmet restaurants all over the world. They also breed chickens for chicken farmers.


And just in case YOU don’t know what a squab is, it’s a pigeon that hasn’t learned to fly yet.


So, it’s Friday and we have a few days off. Mine will be consumed with catch-up chores around the house including getting the camper ready for us to use next weekend in Charlotte. I hope yours has some time to play in it.


Love to all,



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