Archive for March 9th, 2008

Mar 09 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 03/09/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

cut_up_tree Yesterday was quite a day! The wind we had blew a tree down across the power line that crosses the driveway just below our house. This in turn split 4 other poles back up the driveway and across the blacktop road leading to the house! They almost wouldn’t let me come back home yesterday! While the line itself didn’t break, and only the one pole actually snapped in two, the others were split, so had to be replaced as well and the utility truck didn’t have that many on it when it got here. The man said he had to send for another truck and they had been busy all day replacing split and broken poles!split_pole


All in all, it took them 4 hours to replace all the poles, re-hang the power line and get us back fallen_tree"live". Let me tell you, it got COLD in this house! Everyone was huddled up in little piles everywhere. I suppose it could have been worse — they could have taken hours to get here in the first place, but were actually on the issue pretty quickly after it was reported by one of the neighbors.


This morning, Ken and I slept until 9:00 am and then we went to breakfast and to do the last of  the shopping before we leave a week from tomorrow. He needed some jeans and long sleeved shirts and I needed a strapless bra and shoes to go with the dress. It took us until 2:00pm, but we are back home with all the required purchases in hand. It didn’t help that some of the stores didn’t open until 1:00pm, and I kept saying we didn’t have to wait that I could get these items in town during the week next week, but he distracted me long enough to let the stores open and get our errands done. We also stopped at the vets office to make sure that if Judy needs to take one of the animals to the vet, they’ll treat it without requiring anything from her money-wise. So, that’s all set up and I feel much better about going off and leaving a house full of critters with her.


So, at least those things are crossed off the to-do list and other than getting the dress altered, those were the big items. I’ll pack Saturday and then we’re going to Charlotte on Sunday to spend the night in a hotel before flying out Monday morning at the crack of dawn. I’m taking the laptop with me, so will post from the hotel there in Vegas so you won’t miss any of our fun pizza


Dryer is buzzing —


Love to all,


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