Archive for March 21st, 2008

Mar 21 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 03/21/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Penn and Teller was magic last night! Penn said they were doing several new tricks last night that they hadn’t done on stage before. They did all manner of tricks from simple switches to a mental trick that Penn assured us was easy for anyone to master. The last trick of the night was the magic bullet. Of course they didn’t explain how that one was done and it is an amazing trick! Afterwards, they went outside the theater to sign autographs.


It’s been a great 4 days, but I’m ready to go home. I miss my bed, my animals and reasonably priced food. I dread the airplane ride since I know I’ll be squeezed into one of those seats designed for a midget, but will suffer through it in order to get back home again.


So, until tomorrow,


Love to all,



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