Archive for March 18th, 2008

Mar 18 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 03/18/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Happy Anniversary to us! We’ve been together 25 years today and that almost qualifies as a miracle 😛


Today has gone much better than yesterday although it’s had some stressful moments.


The morning at least started out well with us waking up at 3:30 — not quite as early as that sounds since we’re on Pacific time here which is 3 hours different than East Coast time. In reality, we slept in since we usually get up at 4:00 🙂 Now you’re thoroughly confused.


Anyway, the restaurant didn’t open until 7, so we occupied ourselves until then the way consenting adults often do and when 7 rolled around, we went downstairs and had a hearty breakfast.


Then we went in search of a tuxedo. We finally found a place just an hour or so before Ken had to be at the MGM to meet the Richard Petty bus, but they managed to get him all measured up and us out of there in time to get him to the hotel. I had to go back to pick the tux up as they had to hem the pants. That put me back here just in time for my nail appointment and I got through with my hair appointment about the same time Ken got back from the track. He says he had a great time and brought a photo of himself grinning like a jackass eating briars sitting in the racecar complete with jumpsuit and helmet 🙂 He said he regretted it wasn’t a Jeff Gordon car so I could have a picture of him sitting in a #24 car, but I don’t care what the number on the car is — as long as he had a good time.


We leave for the chapel at 6:30 and renew our vows to see us through another 25 years. The hairdresser asked me if I was nervous and I said no. I’m truly not nervous, but I am excited. It means a lot in this day and age to make a marriage last 25 years. Ken’s a pretty special person for putting up with me that long and even more special for asking for more of the same.


Well, I guess I need to get in the shower and into my dress.


Love to all,


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