Archive for March 11th, 2008

Mar 11 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 03/11/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Working from home today as I try to get this dratted report done! It’s a report that has a sub report associated with it. I’ve done one of these before, but it was a simpler sub report and works really well. This one on the other hand is proving to be a royal PITA.


I WILL get it done, though. I’m determined.


Got Frances’ email last night that she’s accepted the buy out offer from her job and will finish up her 44 years with Y-12 next week. I know she has to be both excited and scared as this is going to be so different! I hope she does some things she’s never done before. Lets her hair down and goes a little crazy for a bit.


You’ll notice I made a new header image for the blog. I’m going to try to change them out periodically in order to make it a bit more interesting. Most of them will be of photos I’ve taken, but some might be other photos I find on the web. This is one of the grape hyacinths that grow under the oak tree in the front yard taken last year.  I’m a bit surprised the they aren’t up yet this year as they usually sprout and bloom fairly early and we’ve had enough warm days to encourage them, but not just yet.


I’m also trying to get a few things done in preparation for our being gone a week. I’ve deep cleaned all but one of the bird cages and will get that one done before Ken gets home tonight.  It would have been easier to do if the pressure washer wasn’t broken, but it is and Ken decided Sunday not to buy another just yet. All laundry is done and the kitchen is clean. Of course there will be more to do before we leave Sunday.


I think we’re meeting Ken’s brother, Edward and his wife Madeline in Charlotte Sunday for dinner. That will be nice. We haven’t seen them since Inez died, so the two brothers will have some catching up to do.


Well, this isn’t getting anything done.


Love to all,


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