Archive for May 26th, 2008

May 26 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose part 2

Filed under Daily Notes

Well, we never made it to the movies.


we went to breakfast at our favorite place, the Golden Corral in Anderson, then went to Sam’s Club just to look around. There wasn’t anything there we couldn’t live without, so left.


Ken wanted to stop at the Suzuki place and look at what they had. You all know how I feel about car shopping. I really hate it. But, that’s what he wanted to do and so that’s what we did. We looked at a little Reno hatchback that showed 33 mpg highway on the sticker. Of course a salesman came out to ask if he could help and started telling us about the car. Ken told him we were looking for something that got better mileage than the van for day-to-day driving and wanted a car payment around $200 per month. We never expected them to get anywhere close, but evidently the car business is so bad, they couldn’t let a live one off the hook that easily. While they were running numbers, we looked at other cars on the lot and found this SX4 which I think we both fell in love with at first glance. We asked about this one, again never expecting them to come close, but they did! Not only that, but we qualified for 0% interest!


CarsleftSo now we’re the proud owners of a 2008 Suzuki SX4 in "deep sea blue" and oddly enough, that makes us patriotic as well, since we now on a red truck, a white van and a blue car.  It’s supposed to get 38mpg which is a great deal better than the Dodge van gets (23) and a little better than the Venture got (30). We traded in the Venture which they gave us Blue Book retail for (!) on trade. It’s paid off, so there was nothing owed on it, plus they knocked $2,000 off the list price of the car. For once in my lifetime, we drove off the lot in a brand new car owing less than it’s worth. I sure never anticipated a new car for my birthday! Thanks, honey! 😆


Love to all,



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May 26 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 05/26/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

I apologize for my absence lately. I have no excuses — just haven’t had anything to say really.

Ken’s been down with his first ever attack of diverticulitis. He’s been quite uncomfortable with it, but hopefully he’ll be feeling better soon. At least he had this long weekend off from work and I’ve made sure he hasn’t done too much all weekend.

Yesterday he had a lot of distractions in the form of races on TV so that was good. I drove up to Greenville while he was watching the Indy 500 to see my friend Lee and on the way home, stopped at the gym to work out. He sat up until whenever the NASCAR race finished last night — something he can’t do when he has to go to work the next day.

Today I think we’re going to go see the new Indiana Jones movie. We’ve enjoyed all the others although it seems like the boys went with us to see those. It won’t be the same without the enthusiasm of blood thirsty young teenaged boys to pump up the exciting spots.

Eddie called me yesterday while I was at Lee’s. He was taking Randy for a walk — or Randy was taking him for a walk — that wasn’t 100% clear. He said the weather up there was finally nice enough for an outing. He’s going on what he called mids next week — I think that means he works a second shift schedule. Yvonne is fine and Randy was chattering up a storm.

hummer2I caught my first hummingbird of the year on disc yesterday — a little female who was quite curious about the camera since she came close to the window to check it out. The males are proving to be rather shy about having their picture taken. Last year the birds seemed oblivious to my snapping photos left and right.  As you can see, I have a new feeder — the old one developed a leak and had to be tossed.  That was a bummer as I liked the hot air balloon. This one is OK.

Well, you’re now officially caught up on all that’s going on with us. See- told you there wasn’t much to talk about!

Love to all,



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