Archive for May 14th, 2008

May 14 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 05/14/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Good morning! I hope your day is a good one.

Yesterday I worked from home. Had some issues early on with connectivity, but got them resolved for the time being and all was well. Cranked out two reports; one for Wes and one for Kurt and dealt with issues surrounding incomplete data on a job that runs a zillion times a day.

Every month we roll out jobs to do preventive maintenance on sites we have under contract. Our method of doing this is not as smooth as it could be and so we end up with a lot of jobs getting assigned to inappropriate people and this causes other problems down the road. Anyway, that was a headache to get past.

This morning I managed to get away from the house without the power supply for my laptop, so the battery will be running out here pretty quick and I’ll have to call around to see if someone has one I can go and buy. No fun.

I forgot my cell phone Monday, so couldn’t call Mom on the way home. I have it today, so will call her today.

My week isn’t shaping into a stellar one that’s for sure.


Enough of my whining.

Love to all,



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