Archive for May 15th, 2008

May 15 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 05/15/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Good morning! It’s cloudy and spitting rain today. Would have been a great morning to sleep in, but here I am at work again and already slaving away.

I had to go home yesterday at 9:30 AM as I forgot my power supply for my laptop, so battery only lasted about an hour and a half. I felt really stupid forgetting it, but guess it was inevitable that would happen at some point. At least I haven’t totally forgotten the computer.

Anyway, first thing I did upon returning home was to order a back up power supply. I’ll probably leave that one in a drawer here at work. It should be here in a couple of days.

I’m always able to get more done working at home (or at least I feel like I do) thanks to an ability to focus on the task at hand and having very little in the way of distractions. Around here, there’s always someone stopping by to chat or something going on, so I get pulled away from projects. Sometimes that break is useful especially when I’m stuck on something, but more often it’s a pain in the tail.

I was reading a blog the other day that had a list of exercises you could do in your office/at your computer. It cited the benefits of exercise and talked about just doing 5 minute intervals of exercise every hour or so. I can’t drop and do 50 pushups nor can I drop and do 50 sit-ups — there just isn’t room on the floor of this cube to do that, but I can do the 5 minutes of shadowboxing. Now what my fellow workers will think of that is another question. No worry about the birds 😛 Envisioning someone’s face that has irritated me being the recipient of my punches might bring other benefits as well as just exercise. 😆

Ken leaves tomorrow for Gray, TN and the show up there. I decided to not go to this one. Only two dogs are entered — Payne and Tigger and Ken can handle that pretty easily. It will save us the $30 for a pet sitter which will help offset the cost of the fuel up there. He’s complaining about the price of diesel and is regretting our offering the use of our camper at Asheville next month for their health clinics. I think I can manage to use the expense as a tax deduction on our income tax next year, though. It’s for a charitable cause after all.

Imagine my surprise yesterday when the UPS truck pulled up and tooted his horn. I hadn’t ordered anything (other than the laptop power supply which would have been totally weird to get that mere hours after I placed the order). Anyway, it turns out Ma sent me a little sweeper thingy. I had seen it in her apartment and remarked that I should order one for myself as it would be lots easier to use instead of pulling out the vacuum cleaner every day. She must have hopped on the phone and ordered it Saturday before I got all the way out of the parking lot. Anyway, I put the battery on to charge last night and will get to test it out on my accumulation of dog hair, dust bunnies and birdseed when I get home from work tonight. Should be quite the test!

Well, now you know everything there is to know about us. Back to the grindstone!

Love to all,


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