Archive for May 7th, 2008

May 07 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 05/07/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Good morning everyone! Hope your day is going well.

Mine is very slow this morning. I’ve got my reports run and checked the logs for errors (there were none for a change!). Everything seems to be running very smoothly and with so many out of the office for inventory, it’s quiet as a morgue in here. I am bored silly.

Am going to Mom’s Saturday to spend some quality time with her. I’ll be taking her some books (so Judy — look for them coming your way eventually) and some other small items she can use. Oh – and a Mother’s Day something although I don’t know what just yet. She mentioned a street fair this weekend, so I’m hoping she’ll feel like going Saturday — I love street fairs! If not, I’ll take her to Walmart or where ever else she wants to go and treat her to lunch out somewhere as well.

If you haven’t checked out the “other” blog lately, I uploaded a bunch of photos to it last night. Birds and flowers and a bunny, but you knew it would be stuff like that didn’t you?


Well, I’ve just noticed something amiss, so need to get in touch with one of my guys. See you later!


Love to all,



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