Archive for November, 2007

Nov 06 2007

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Daily Notes 11/06/2007

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Good morning! Working from casa Kemar this morning, so have the antics of the Cardinals at the bird feeder to keep me entertained as I labor away.

I did something yesterday that has me feeling pretty good. I paid off 3 credit cards and cancelled them. Oh the cc companies begged and pleaded and offered me the moon to keep the accounts open, but I perservered. That leaves me with one card whos balance is higher than I would want, but now I can send all my cc money to it and get it paid off as well in the forseeable future rather than in the murky distant future 😆

No, I didn’t win the lottery 😥 – I just borrowed from my 401K (which isn’t doing so hot anyway with the stock market flopping around like a dead fish) at 7.5% compared to the cc rates of 14-1/2 to 22-1/2% — a good trade I think and since I cut up the cards and closed the accounts, there’s no temptation to run them up again. And I scheduled that loan to be paid back in a timely manner, so even that payment won’t be coming out for very long. I know I should not be tempting the gods with this smugness, but I just can’t help but feel good about this move.

Am chugging along on my small project at work. I should have it all wrapped up by this afternoon. I have an interesting program at the SSIG meeting tonight that I don’t want to miss! It’s on Reporting Services and I know just enough about that to get into trouble 😆

Well, it’s back to the grind.

Love to all,


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Nov 05 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 11/05/2007

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Good morning!

Back from Knoxville where our quest for finishing points went unanswered. Next outing is in two weeks to Concord, NC. Keep your fingers crossed.

Ma was in good spirits when I saw her Saturday and I was able to get her back online. The issue was with her Juno program which somehow had gotten corrupted and would not launch. A reinstall did the trick. I also added connection information in Internet Explorer, so if this happens again, she can still get online just by clicking the “Big E”.  I’ve already received several jokes from her and see where she posted a comment about Butterfly’s chewing up the phone cord.

This coming weekend, Ken and I have plans to FINALLY rip out the living room carpeting and install the tile flooring I’ve wanted for months now. I know it will be hard work, but I am so looking forward to getting rid of this wall-to-wall catchall for dirt, bugs and general nastiness that the hard work is going to be nothing to do.

Came in this morning to some problems, but they are relatively minor and I’ll get them sorted out in a jiffy.

Got to run!

Love to all,


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Nov 02 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily NOtes 01/02/2007

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Good morning! Happy Friday!

I’m working from home this morning as I prepare to go to Knoxville this weekend. I usually don’t work from home on Fridays simply because so many people think I goof off when I work from home, but actually, I work longer hours and tend to get more done (work-wise) without the distractions of the office. For example, I started my office work at 5:15 am this morning whereas if I had driven into work, the earliest I could have started was 7:00 am, so they are getting 1-3/4 more hours work from me.

I will admit that I get more done at home, too. During those times I would have been going for coffee and to the restroom at work, here I change out laundry loads in the washer/dryer or load the dishwasher. And, there are no meetings here at the house 🙂

I have the added perk today of no phone. Butterfly ate the phone cord yesterday (well, chewed it up), so until I can go out and purchase another line (guess I will buy two so as to have a back up), I am without phone service. I have DTS and suppose I *could* plug a phone into that jack if I really needed to talk to someone, but I don’t, so I won’t. The computer will provide enough in the way of outside communication 😛

Heard from Eddie (see his comment on yesterday’s post) that Randy didn’t get to go trick-or-treating Wednesday — poor kid — that will scar him for life! He’ll be telling his therapist “I just feel so deprived because my parents wouldn’t let me go trick-or-treat when I was 2-3/4” 😆 You had better watch out son! Those things do come back to haunt you when your kids grow up you know.

Well, I suppose I should get back to it. I’m sure the job I left running to write this is finished and now I will need to pretty up the report for distribution. Ya’ll have a nice day now, y’hear?


Love to all,


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Nov 01 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 11/01/2007

Filed under Uncategorized

November 1st already! This year is literally flying by for me!

November birthdays: Ma 11/22, Pam 11/28, BeBe 11/29

My calendar for November shows a beach scene…go figure! But in retrospect, it’s better than the predictable turkey.

Speaking of calendars, the one I ordered for Drew’s friends shipped yesterday. I can’t wait to see all the lovely photos that are in it. If you didn’t order one, you will miss out on a treat!

Eddie said he had to work last night. Don’t know if Randy got to trick-or-treat this year or not, but if he did, I hope mama got some pictures of him in his costume. I know whatever he was (probably a pirate), he was adorable!

Have had a drama going on about a Whippet I fostered and then placed recently. She was placed with a previous whippet owner in Atlanta who was advised that she would take some time to get used to new surroundings and should be leash walked for at least the first two weeks and supervised in the fenced area out back for another two weeks after that. Well, the dog got away from the new owner 8 days after she took possession. It seems the new owner installed a dog door in her sliding glass door, so the dog had unsupervised access to the back yard — despite the discussion of supervision for the first 2-3 weeks and the promise from the new owner that she would wait a month to install the door.

Then it seems the dog took up with someone with in a couple of miles of new owners house, but according to new owner, dog was not sighted since 9/30….this despite new owner going to this house where the dog was hanging out at least twice and subsequently calling the home owner on the day I found out about the dog being found to ascertain who had picked her up.

Long and short is that WRAP is refunding the adoption fee and the dog is now in a new home with more understanding parents, but I am seeing red. People continue to disappoint me…:cry:

Well, enough of my tragedies.

Hope your day has been a beautiful one!

Love to all,


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