Nov 06 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 11/06/2007

Posted at 11:18 am under Uncategorized

Good morning! Working from casa Kemar this morning, so have the antics of the Cardinals at the bird feeder to keep me entertained as I labor away.

I did something yesterday that has me feeling pretty good. I paid off 3 credit cards and cancelled them. Oh the cc companies begged and pleaded and offered me the moon to keep the accounts open, but I perservered. That leaves me with one card whos balance is higher than I would want, but now I can send all my cc money to it and get it paid off as well in the forseeable future rather than in the murky distant future 😆

No, I didn’t win the lottery 😥 – I just borrowed from my 401K (which isn’t doing so hot anyway with the stock market flopping around like a dead fish) at 7.5% compared to the cc rates of 14-1/2 to 22-1/2% — a good trade I think and since I cut up the cards and closed the accounts, there’s no temptation to run them up again. And I scheduled that loan to be paid back in a timely manner, so even that payment won’t be coming out for very long. I know I should not be tempting the gods with this smugness, but I just can’t help but feel good about this move.

Am chugging along on my small project at work. I should have it all wrapped up by this afternoon. I have an interesting program at the SSIG meeting tonight that I don’t want to miss! It’s on Reporting Services and I know just enough about that to get into trouble 😆

Well, it’s back to the grind.

Love to all,


3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Daily Notes 11/06/2007”

  1. Eddieon 07 Nov 2007 at 3:42 am 1

    Congratulations – I’ve got ours pared to just two cards, but everytime I get one paid down something happens to jack it back up again. So, I keep pushing that rock back up the hill, hoping to get it over the top someday. You’ve given me hope.



  2. Momon 07 Nov 2007 at 10:55 am 2

    The best thing I ever did was pay off all my credit cards when I got a windfall when Pauline passed away’ She didn’t leave a will so Jack King divided it all up between the nieces and nephwes.
    I haven’t had to pay any interest for 10 plus years. I still have a couple of cards but just don’t charge anything I can’t pay off in 30 days.

  3. eyespi20on 07 Nov 2007 at 11:01 am 3

    Well, Ma, you’ve always been a smart cookie! I just wish I had learned my lessons a long time ago. It’s really hard to say “no” when I want to buy something that will make life a little bit nicer.

    Eddie — take a page from your grandma’s book here…

    Love you both!
