Nov 02 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily NOtes 01/02/2007

Posted at 7:07 am under Uncategorized

Good morning! Happy Friday!

I’m working from home this morning as I prepare to go to Knoxville this weekend. I usually don’t work from home on Fridays simply because so many people think I goof off when I work from home, but actually, I work longer hours and tend to get more done (work-wise) without the distractions of the office. For example, I started my office work at 5:15 am this morning whereas if I had driven into work, the earliest I could have started was 7:00 am, so they are getting 1-3/4 more hours work from me.

I will admit that I get more done at home, too. During those times I would have been going for coffee and to the restroom at work, here I change out laundry loads in the washer/dryer or load the dishwasher. And, there are no meetings here at the house 🙂

I have the added perk today of no phone. Butterfly ate the phone cord yesterday (well, chewed it up), so until I can go out and purchase another line (guess I will buy two so as to have a back up), I am without phone service. I have DTS and suppose I *could* plug a phone into that jack if I really needed to talk to someone, but I don’t, so I won’t. The computer will provide enough in the way of outside communication 😛

Heard from Eddie (see his comment on yesterday’s post) that Randy didn’t get to go trick-or-treating Wednesday — poor kid — that will scar him for life! He’ll be telling his therapist “I just feel so deprived because my parents wouldn’t let me go trick-or-treat when I was 2-3/4” 😆 You had better watch out son! Those things do come back to haunt you when your kids grow up you know.

Well, I suppose I should get back to it. I’m sure the job I left running to write this is finished and now I will need to pretty up the report for distribution. Ya’ll have a nice day now, y’hear?


Love to all,


2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Daily NOtes 01/02/2007”

  1. Eddieon 02 Nov 2007 at 6:58 pm 1

    WHOA! Is it my fault he woke up from his nap in a grumpy mood and cried until almost eight o’clock? Admittedly, he has had a cold for the last few days, but still… and he doesn’t like candy anyway! Unless it’s dark chocolate – the little snob. 🙂

    No – he’s more likely to complain to his therapist about how Mommy and Daddy taught him to cuss like a sailor before kindergarten! >:-)

    Speaking of Knoxville – you mentioned earlier that you were going to be getting Grandma back online. Did her computer die? I saw where Wal-mart started selling a $199 Linux pc that might do the trick. has a post on it today.

    Have a safe trip,


  2. Momon 04 Nov 2007 at 12:23 pm 2

    No wonder Butterfly only got 3rd on Sat. Ths\at phone cord got wrapped around something that held her back. Enjoyed your visit, the nice luncg at Sullivans and the time you had to fiddle around with this old computer–as you can see it is working just fine now. I lost all my inbox so I am going to have to start a new one have a jillion messages to transfer.