Archive for November 2nd, 2007

Nov 02 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily NOtes 01/02/2007

Filed under Uncategorized

Good morning! Happy Friday!

I’m working from home this morning as I prepare to go to Knoxville this weekend. I usually don’t work from home on Fridays simply because so many people think I goof off when I work from home, but actually, I work longer hours and tend to get more done (work-wise) without the distractions of the office. For example, I started my office work at 5:15 am this morning whereas if I had driven into work, the earliest I could have started was 7:00 am, so they are getting 1-3/4 more hours work from me.

I will admit that I get more done at home, too. During those times I would have been going for coffee and to the restroom at work, here I change out laundry loads in the washer/dryer or load the dishwasher. And, there are no meetings here at the house 🙂

I have the added perk today of no phone. Butterfly ate the phone cord yesterday (well, chewed it up), so until I can go out and purchase another line (guess I will buy two so as to have a back up), I am without phone service. I have DTS and suppose I *could* plug a phone into that jack if I really needed to talk to someone, but I don’t, so I won’t. The computer will provide enough in the way of outside communication 😛

Heard from Eddie (see his comment on yesterday’s post) that Randy didn’t get to go trick-or-treating Wednesday — poor kid — that will scar him for life! He’ll be telling his therapist “I just feel so deprived because my parents wouldn’t let me go trick-or-treat when I was 2-3/4” 😆 You had better watch out son! Those things do come back to haunt you when your kids grow up you know.

Well, I suppose I should get back to it. I’m sure the job I left running to write this is finished and now I will need to pretty up the report for distribution. Ya’ll have a nice day now, y’hear?


Love to all,


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