Archive for December 22nd, 2006

Dec 22 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 12-22-2006

Filed under Uncategorized

Good morning everyone! I hope as your week winds down that you have gotten your Christmas shopping done (I haven’t) and are all ready for a long weekend. The rumor around here is that the CEO is going to let us all go home at noon today — that will be very nice!

Today is grandson, Randy’s second birthday! Happy birthday, sweetie!

We had a bit of drama last night. Skinny Marie — our tiny little rescue girl — gave us a scare. She loves to sleep under the covers in bed with us and usually there’s no problem with that, but last night, two of the other dogs had her pinned under the covers and she got overheated. She woke Ken up with her heavy, laborious and loud panting and when he pulled her out from under the covers, she was hotter than a firecracker! He wet a towel in cool water and began trying to cool her down without shocking her system. We moved her to the tile floor in the bathroom since it’s cool and kept rubbing her with the damp towel until her body temperature was more normal. She got more alert as her temp came down and drank a little bit of water.  We all went back to bed and finished out the night/morning and when I left for work this morning she was alert, but didn’t want to leave the bed. I made her go in the living room, though and put her in a dog bed as I didn’t want her trying to jump off our high bed. She’s obviously still weak, but I think she’ll be fine in a few days. We’ll have to be really careful about her sleeping position from here on out as I know I don’t want a repeat of that!

Wes brought in some neat and easy-to-make treats this morning for each of us. They are miniature pretzels with a hershey kiss placed on top and put in the oven just long enough to soften the kiss, then a peanut M&M is placed on top. He used the peppermint Kisses instead of the chocolate ones and they are really yummy! I’ll have to make some for Ken to take to work with him tomorrow.

Well, guess I need to actually do some work this morning instead of goofing off 😆

Have a wonderful day!

Love and kisses to everyone!


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