Archive for December 11th, 2006

Dec 11 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 12-11-2006

Filed under Uncategorized

Well, so far, it’s been a typical Monday — all crazy and trying to catch up after being away for 4 days.

To catch you up on the last 4 days….

We didn’t do much at the dog show — placed or won a few classes, but no points. That’s the way it goes at these things sometimes. We went out to eat Friday night and you guessed it — to a Golden Corral 🙂 You will NEVER guess in a zillion years what they had on the salad bar!!! Watermelon rind pickles!!!! My eyes bugged out of my head when I spotted them! Oh! I was in heaven! Not QUITE as good as Ma’s (NOTHING could be as good as Ma’s!), but they were outstanding!! Ken and Charlotte agreed with me.

Thursday night, Ken went and got fish and french fries from the fish camp across the street from the coliseum. That was pretty tasty, too. Saturday night, I baked chicken breasts with garlic, squash and zucchini cut up on them in the oven of the camper. Tasty!! Charlotte made a lovely salad out of sour cream, fruit cocktail, pineapple and marshmallows. She also had made some double fudge brownies that she brought along with us — all stuff that was really bad for Ken’s diabetes and my waistline, but oh, so tasty! We will have to get back on track this week with diets and exercise to compensate for the gluttony of the weekend.

Work was a mess when I got in. They’ve had a new computer on order for me for awhile and Carlos finally got it up and at my desk, so I’ve spent nearly the entire morning getting it up to speed with my settings and stuff. I accidentally deleted all my email first thing this morning, so I’ve had to ask everyone to resend anything from last week. I just hope there are no emails from before last week that I need to take care of. Bummer!

The dogs and birds were thrilled to have Mommy home. Riley (the biting African Grey) lowered his head for me to scratch it a lot last night. He never offered to bite once. A milestone! Taji was his usual sweet self wanting me to love on him (which I did) and the ‘tiels were just as I left them 🙂

Well, got to run. More work needs to be done.

Love to all,


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