Archive for December 18th, 2006

Dec 18 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 12-18-2006

Filed under Uncategorized

Had an email from Eddie this morning — he will be back in the USA later today! YEAH!! Go and read his added comments on the postcards post — he talks about the area getting heavy rains the past few days and the flooding going on.

My weekend was pretty hum drum. Took Bruno for a re-check at the vets and he got more antibiotics, then went shopping for a frame for the picture we bought Janet for her birthday/christmas as well as to get the gift cards for the kids and grand kids. (Not very imaginative gifts, but it’s all we’re up for this year) Then back home to get Ken’s car and take it to the oil change place for an oil change. That took care of my honey-do list and I could get started on all the things I needed to do 🙂

Sunday had me cleaning bird cages and working some with Taji. He’s learning how to high five and wave. The high five he does with a foot and the wave he does with one wing. We also dance (the boogie) and I want to teach him to do a chicken dance — he likes me singing to him at least, despite the fact that my voice is more of a croak right now than it is a singing voice. Riley looks on with great interest at out antics and I expect him to start mimicking the songs I’m singing any day now which should provide a source of laughter for Ken when he hears them (I’m doing the training when he’s not home, remember, so he hasn’t heard any of this 😆 )

Speaking of Riley — he’s been quite sweet this past week. He’s inviting me to pet him pretty regularly and hasn’t bitten me lately. I don’t know what Judy did to him while we were gone, but he was very happy to see me home.

Charlotte brought over Christmas gifts last night. She knitted me a scarf which turned out quite pretty! It’s made from that yarn that looks like feathers and is so soft and warm. I have it on right now as my neck was so sore this morning and the added warmth is making it feel better. She also brought a jar of watermelon rind pickles (I guess since I had such a fit over them at the restauraunt last weekend she thought that would go over well — and it did! Not nearly as good as Ma’s though.)

I got her a set of wooden knitting needles as she’s been complaining about the metal ones she’s been using being too slick. Since I don’t knit, I’m not sure about the benefits of wooden over aluminum, but that’s OK — she knows.

Well, I need to get back to work.


Love to all,


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