Archive for December 1st, 2006

Dec 01 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 12-01-2006

Filed under Uncategorized

Happy  birthday Eddie! I can’t believe you’re 34 years old today! It seems like just yesterday when you were a 8 lb 14 oz, red faced, sweet baby boy 🙂

You’ve grown up to be a man that I’m proud to call son.

I can remember when I turned 21 — you were a bump on a log at that point and your dad and I were living in California (29 Palms to be exact). I was so excited because I was pregnant. I knew in my heart that you were a boy (that was before ultrasounds) and I was so happy to be having a son. I had such high hopes for you. I wanted you to go to college and find a calling that you could love doing as a career and find someone to share your life with who would be your soul-mate. I know you have two lovely children who will bring you as much joy and pain as you brought me over the years.

I’m so proud that you finished college and hope that you have found a calling that you love. No job is perfect, but if you don’t get up in the morning dreading going to work, you have found something pretty close. I’m proud that you are in the military serving our country at this time in it’s history. I pray every day that God keep you safe from harm. After a false start, it seems you have a soul-mate.

I’m looking forward to your homecoming next month. Until then, stay out of the way of spitting camels 😛


Love to all,



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