Archive for September, 2006

Sep 10 2006

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Daily Notes 09-10-2006

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Spent most of yesterday with Kitty.

Ken bought Matt’s car from her and she brought it down to BMW. I met her there and drove her back to Asheville. We stopped at this cute little cafe in Fletcher for a late lunch, then went on to her house. She wanted me to take pictures of her puppies (which I did). They are some real cuties! Very well mannered and cuddly — Suzel and her girls did a great job of raising them. They will make wonderful pets, therapy dogs and have some potential as show dogs, too. All in all, a really nice package for whomever they end up with.

Talked to Yvonne on the way home from Asheville. She is still planning on going to the Bahamas next week for her friend’s birthday. I sure hope the storm doesn’t take any turns. She needs the break from her routine and some adult stimulation. She is having trouble finding someone to take the oppossums and I sure hope the wildlife rescue lady takes them off her hands as I believe they are getting to be quite a handful. I wish I were close enough to get them from her, but just don’t have time to run down there before she leaves. She said she’s also trying to get the house ready to sell. I knwo what a job that is! Still, it’s a really nice house and they shouldn’t have much trouble selling it.

Well, I have a really long to-do list today and I had best get on it. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

Love to all,



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Sep 09 2006

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Daily Notes 09-09-2006

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There has been a lot on NPR about 9/11 anniversary that’s coming up in a few days. A lot of it makes me cry and feel the devastation I felt when this occurred 5 years ago all over again. The woman who was interviewed and told about her ex-husband calling her from the 137th floor to tell her he still loved her and to tell the children good bye and that he loved them just ripped my heart out.

One of the things that is most apparent, however, is the stark contrast between how the people of New York coped with this disaster as compared to how the people of New Orleans have coped with their disaster. Perhaps the scale of the two is somewhat different, but a year post 9-11 compared to a year post-Katrina have the New Yorkers looking like strong, back-atcha folks and Orleaners looking like whiny, beggars of hand outs. And it’s not like there hasn’t been money sent to New Orleans, but what have they DONE with their money? Not much. Certainly they have not rebuilt any significant part of the town. The majority of those who were displaced are staying right where they landed and those cities are now coping with higher crime, more kids in their school systems and trying to absorb those who want to work into their work force. Houston has done a remarkable job of this as an example. Meanwhile, New Orleans murder rate is as high as it was pre-Katrina with a police force 1/4th the size. I wouldn’t point out the political differences between the two cities….but — NY is primarily Republican while New Orleans is primarily Democratic. I’m not saying Republicans are “better”, but it sure seems like they get more done in a shorter space of time. Maybe the US economy as a whole was “better” during the Clinton administration, but then again, Bill did not have either 9-11 OR Katrina during his watch. He only had Monica, Jennifer and Paula.

Enough about politics — and that was probably too much, but I had a few things to get off my chest. 

I heard that Star went on her first visit as an official Therapy Dog and was a huge hit at the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital. Way to go Star!!! In an unofficial visit, she did a TD visit on her dad, Steve, before he was released from the hospital.

I continue to get great reports about Lucas from his new home. He’s playing at the dog park now and sleeping in their bed. They seem to be extremely happy with him.

Ashley’s move has been delayed again. The workers are not through with the renovations to the house and Kaye quite thoughtfully does not want to subject him to all the chaos of strange men coming in and out and having everything being topsy-turvy. I told her I would take him with me next week to the new dog park opening. She’ll be there, too and will get to see him that way.

Speaking of the new dog park opening — that’s going to be a day of logistical planning on my part as I have a seminar to go to the same day. I hope to be able to get to the seminar and sign up for the one I’m most interested in and then go to the dog park for an hour or so, then slip back to the seminar, but will have to play it by ear. Janet won’t be there as she is going to Georgia for a temperament test (no not her temperament, the dogs :LOL:) If it rains, the dog park opening will be put off until the next Saturday, but I’ll be in Atlanta, so won’t make the rain date. Secretly, I’m hoping for rain, but that probably won’t happen.

Well, I feel like I’ve written a book. Need to run and get Ken off to work.

Love to all,


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Sep 07 2006

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Daily Notes 09-07-2006

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This ECon thing is turning into a royal pita! The programs keep freezing up and then the jobs don’t get dispatched. “Deleted” means “flagged deleted” not REALLY deleted and no longer there, so when you have re-entered the information, the system doesn’t skip over the deleted record to the “live” one, but hangs up on the deleted record which is causing major problems. I’m about ready to tell them to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine, but the potential for this to save us big bucks and speed up our overall process is just too great to ditch it just yet. I sure hope the company will get cracking on these issues!

Ken’s schedule is supposed to be changing to 5-8 hour days per week. Of course, he’ll still work overtime nearly every day as well as Saturdays and most Sundays, but “officially” he’ll have a shorter work day. I think it dickers with his vacation time, too, but don’t quote me. I find it all rather exasperating, but that just may be because I’m already frustrated by my own job.

No news from Janet, Millicent, Kaye or the Pattersons lately. Think about all of them every day along with family and other friends.

Hummingbirds are getting fat and ready to fly off for the winter. Haven’t seen the Rufous in several days, so perhaps they have already moved on. The Ruby throats are still pretty active and keep the feeders emptied on a regular basis. I love the new feeder I bought. It’s so pretty!

Cardinals are looking plump, too. I see the adolescents at the feeders along with Mom and Dad. I guess they will soon plumage out to their adult colors and move on to their own territory. Haven’t seen any Goldfinches in awhile, but have seen the ones with the red head and purple bodies. Lot’s of Chickadees and Mourning Doves as well are coming to the feeders.

Well, break time is over and I need to get back to work.

Love to all,


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Sep 05 2006

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Daily Notes 09-05-2006

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Oh dear! My poor blog has been so neglected of late! Well, for a good reason (sort of).

Ken and I left August 30th for Raleigh and 4 days of shows. Our main objective was to get some down-time and we did accomplish that since it rained the first two days, so we huddled in the camper and slept or watched tv or read. I didn’t even take my laptop which doesn’t have internet access anyway, but I still could have played games or such on it.

We had hoped to possibly finish Butterfly (didn’t happen) and maybe even get some points on Oscar (that didn’t happen either). There was an all-breed match on Friday and a Chinese Crested specialty match on Saturday and we hoped to get some ring experience in for our puppies (that DID happen). We entered Tigger and Payne in the Friday match. Ken let Stephanie show Tigger and while she did a fine job of showing him, he was just too much puppy for her and cut up a lot. He was 3rd. Payne did well in her class and also finished 3rd. Saturday, we entered our two 5month olds, Charlotte’s litter sister and Payne in the specialty match. The two powderpuff babies both finished 3rd in their HUGE sweepstakes classes (9 in Teddy and Saber’s and 6 in Cheyenne’s), so we were very happy with those placements. Alas, Saber did not want to walk on leash for Ken and didn’t place. Payne won her sweepstakes class. Regular classes saw pretty much a repeat of sweeps as far as the little ones were concerned, but Payne was 2nd in hers instead of first. All-in-all, I think it was a good start for the pups and good experience for Payne and Tigger. Butterfly did manage to pull off one point on Monday by going Best of Winners. That now gives her 7 points with one of the two required majors. She’ll be going to Atlanta the 22nd through the 24th for the specialty. Keep your fingers crossed for her!

Came home to an ant invasion, so have to get some ant repellant or killer. They got in my dog food and we had to throw out nearly 50 lbs of food — what a bummer! :'(

Heard from Janet — Steve is home from the hospital and doing really well! I’m so glad!

Millicent has had her first chemotherapy treatment and is doing well from that. Let’s hope the second one goes as well.

Well, I think that pretty much catches you all up on our news. Hope everyone is doing well — Colin — is Becky back to normal after her surgery? I need to go check out your blog.

Love to all,


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