Archive for September 7th, 2006

Sep 07 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 09-07-2006

Filed under Uncategorized

This ECon thing is turning into a royal pita! The programs keep freezing up and then the jobs don’t get dispatched. “Deleted” means “flagged deleted” not REALLY deleted and no longer there, so when you have re-entered the information, the system doesn’t skip over the deleted record to the “live” one, but hangs up on the deleted record which is causing major problems. I’m about ready to tell them to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine, but the potential for this to save us big bucks and speed up our overall process is just too great to ditch it just yet. I sure hope the company will get cracking on these issues!

Ken’s schedule is supposed to be changing to 5-8 hour days per week. Of course, he’ll still work overtime nearly every day as well as Saturdays and most Sundays, but “officially” he’ll have a shorter work day. I think it dickers with his vacation time, too, but don’t quote me. I find it all rather exasperating, but that just may be because I’m already frustrated by my own job.

No news from Janet, Millicent, Kaye or the Pattersons lately. Think about all of them every day along with family and other friends.

Hummingbirds are getting fat and ready to fly off for the winter. Haven’t seen the Rufous in several days, so perhaps they have already moved on. The Ruby throats are still pretty active and keep the feeders emptied on a regular basis. I love the new feeder I bought. It’s so pretty!

Cardinals are looking plump, too. I see the adolescents at the feeders along with Mom and Dad. I guess they will soon plumage out to their adult colors and move on to their own territory. Haven’t seen any Goldfinches in awhile, but have seen the ones with the red head and purple bodies. Lot’s of Chickadees and Mourning Doves as well are coming to the feeders.

Well, break time is over and I need to get back to work.

Love to all,


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