Archive for September 13th, 2006

Sep 13 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 09-13-2006

Filed under Uncategorized

Good morning everyone! I hope your day is a good one. Woke up this morning to cool air and rain. It was a nasty drive into work with the rain coming down quite strongly and some fog to make visibility poor. Had a bit of a scare on the interstate when a car splashed enough water to completely obscure the windshield and overwhelm the wipers for a few seconds. It’s supposed to clear off and be sunny this afternoon with highs only into the mid-70’s today. That will be very nice! Even through the weekend, temps are not supposed to be but low to mid 80’s and that is perfect weather for me. I can turn off the AC and open windows for fresh air and birdsong!

Had presents waiting for me when I got to work in the form of new applications for EService. We’ll see if they work as promised. Carlos is installing them now.

Had a second egg hatch last night around 6:30 pm. Still have two more to go that the parents are still sitting on. The babies are so tiny! They have some yellow fluff on their bodies and naked heads. They are a rather aggressive shade of dark pink/red that reminds you of raw meat –not quite as dark as beef, but darker than pork. Beaks are not fully formed yet and look like something that should be removed 😆 They peep when they are hungry which is a fair amount of their waking time. Right now, they are fed about every 2 hours. I fixed oatmeal with banana, apples, broccoli and carrots ground up into it for the adults who will regurgitate it for the babies.

My cockatoo, Taji has decided that he needs to be treated like a baby and wants to be fed the baby food, too. Since he went on a hunger strike to achieve this goal, I guess I will feed him baby food until he’s ready to go back to eating like a grown up. He’s only 3, so I guess he really is still a baby if you think about him living into his 80’s. Riley (African Grey) eats the baby food, too, but he isn’t neglecting his other food in favor of it. They will both eat it off a spoon which is too funny to watch. They get all excited when they see a spoon. They like to be fed yoghurt this way, too. The don’t really like cold food though. They much prefer it no cooler than room temp and really like it to be around 100ºF.

I really didn’t know what I was getting into when I got these birds!!! I’m learning as fast as I can, though.

Break time is over. See you later!

Love to all,


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