Sep 10 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 09-10-2006

Posted at 8:33 am under Uncategorized

Spent most of yesterday with Kitty.

Ken bought Matt’s car from her and she brought it down to BMW. I met her there and drove her back to Asheville. We stopped at this cute little cafe in Fletcher for a late lunch, then went on to her house. She wanted me to take pictures of her puppies (which I did). They are some real cuties! Very well mannered and cuddly — Suzel and her girls did a great job of raising them. They will make wonderful pets, therapy dogs and have some potential as show dogs, too. All in all, a really nice package for whomever they end up with.

Talked to Yvonne on the way home from Asheville. She is still planning on going to the Bahamas next week for her friend’s birthday. I sure hope the storm doesn’t take any turns. She needs the break from her routine and some adult stimulation. She is having trouble finding someone to take the oppossums and I sure hope the wildlife rescue lady takes them off her hands as I believe they are getting to be quite a handful. I wish I were close enough to get them from her, but just don’t have time to run down there before she leaves. She said she’s also trying to get the house ready to sell. I knwo what a job that is! Still, it’s a really nice house and they shouldn’t have much trouble selling it.

Well, I have a really long to-do list today and I had best get on it. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

Love to all,



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