Sep 09 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 09-09-2006

Posted at 4:46 am under Uncategorized

There has been a lot on NPR about 9/11 anniversary that’s coming up in a few days. A lot of it makes me cry and feel the devastation I felt when this occurred 5 years ago all over again. The woman who was interviewed and told about her ex-husband calling her from the 137th floor to tell her he still loved her and to tell the children good bye and that he loved them just ripped my heart out.

One of the things that is most apparent, however, is the stark contrast between how the people of New York coped with this disaster as compared to how the people of New Orleans have coped with their disaster. Perhaps the scale of the two is somewhat different, but a year post 9-11 compared to a year post-Katrina have the New Yorkers looking like strong, back-atcha folks and Orleaners looking like whiny, beggars of hand outs. And it’s not like there hasn’t been money sent to New Orleans, but what have they DONE with their money? Not much. Certainly they have not rebuilt any significant part of the town. The majority of those who were displaced are staying right where they landed and those cities are now coping with higher crime, more kids in their school systems and trying to absorb those who want to work into their work force. Houston has done a remarkable job of this as an example. Meanwhile, New Orleans murder rate is as high as it was pre-Katrina with a police force 1/4th the size. I wouldn’t point out the political differences between the two cities….but — NY is primarily Republican while New Orleans is primarily Democratic. I’m not saying Republicans are “better”, but it sure seems like they get more done in a shorter space of time. Maybe the US economy as a whole was “better” during the Clinton administration, but then again, Bill did not have either 9-11 OR Katrina during his watch. He only had Monica, Jennifer and Paula.

Enough about politics — and that was probably too much, but I had a few things to get off my chest. 

I heard that Star went on her first visit as an official Therapy Dog and was a huge hit at the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital. Way to go Star!!! In an unofficial visit, she did a TD visit on her dad, Steve, before he was released from the hospital.

I continue to get great reports about Lucas from his new home. He’s playing at the dog park now and sleeping in their bed. They seem to be extremely happy with him.

Ashley’s move has been delayed again. The workers are not through with the renovations to the house and Kaye quite thoughtfully does not want to subject him to all the chaos of strange men coming in and out and having everything being topsy-turvy. I told her I would take him with me next week to the new dog park opening. She’ll be there, too and will get to see him that way.

Speaking of the new dog park opening — that’s going to be a day of logistical planning on my part as I have a seminar to go to the same day. I hope to be able to get to the seminar and sign up for the one I’m most interested in and then go to the dog park for an hour or so, then slip back to the seminar, but will have to play it by ear. Janet won’t be there as she is going to Georgia for a temperament test (no not her temperament, the dogs :LOL:) If it rains, the dog park opening will be put off until the next Saturday, but I’ll be in Atlanta, so won’t make the rain date. Secretly, I’m hoping for rain, but that probably won’t happen.

Well, I feel like I’ve written a book. Need to run and get Ken off to work.

Love to all,


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