Oct 11 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10-11-2006

Posted at 11:04 am under Uncategorized

Spent yesterday working from home and kept my nose to the grindstone, so didn’t post. I also stayed wrapped in a cocoon of comfort by shutting out the world for the day. While I emerged this morning to a world still facing nuclear war, at least I have a center of peace within to draw upon. God can handle this situation and I don’t HAVE to worry about it although I need to keep praying to Him to keep me on that particular straight and narrow. 

On a more frivolous note, I’m thinking about changing hairstyles. I’ve had this same cut for years now and am kind of tired of it. I’ve looked at a few websites and picked out a couple of styles I think might work for me. I have to keep in mind that I have no forehead to speak of and that my hair is stick straight, coarse and thick (and before you go into raptures over that, let me tell you, it brings it’s own set of problems that are every bit as aggravating as fine, thin hair, or curly hair owners have expressed to me!). It also grows forward, so making it go back is not an option. The best I can hope for is to sweep it to the side. I think I want to grow my bangs out and do a chin length layered cut that I can style without needing gobs of goop or a perm to hold in place. I’m going to take my pictures to the girls in AR and get thier opinion at lunch today. Will let you know what the verdict is 😛

The baby bird is growing up. He’s almost all feathered out now and I’m hoping the parents are planning to begin weaning him pretty soon as they are already laying more eggs. He IS a he as evidenced by the bright orange cheek patches on his face. I’ve been taking him out of the nest box every day for the past week or so and holding him so he gets used to being handled. I let him perch on one of the seed bins yesterday for a few minutes. He didn’t show any interest in the food there, but did hold on to the perch pretty good, so I think it’s just a matter of time now. He sounds like Taco when she’s stuck behind a closed door. Guess it’s time to be thinking up a name for him. Any suggestions? He’s a Normal like his dad Photo. Dad’s name is Billy Badbeak and Mom is Whitney.

Haven’t found any new interesting blogs lately.

Enough prattle for now. It’s time to get back to work.

Love to all,


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