Oct 12 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 10-12-2006

Posted at 8:05 am under Uncategorized

Ken left this morning for Charlotte, NC and the Lowes Motor Speedway where he and 2 other guys from BMW will immerse themselves in a redneck Nascar frenzy. He’s maintained for weeks now that he is not as excited as his friends are, but I think he’s lying. He sure appeared to be pretty excited to me, although he was trying to hide it.

Take for example his careful planning of menues for the trip. Buddy is bringing steaks to grill, John is going to fix a low country shrimp boil. Ken asked me a zillion times what should he fix. We found some really nice looking boneless pork country style ribs in Sam’s club, so there was his answer! He carefully selected the John Boy and Billy’s barbecue sauce, then meditated over the sides. He settled on baked beans and cole slaw. A feast fit for ….. well a tailgate party at least.

Another example of his excitement over the trip was his very humbly coming to me Monday night and asking me “are you sure it’s OK for me to go this weekend?”  That’s a SURE sign that he wants to go so badly he can’t stand it 😛 Like I would say “No, honey, I think you’ve neglected stuff around the house too much and if you’re going to take 4 days off from work, you need to spend them at home mowing grass, painting and all the other stuff that needs to be done.” when all he’s done is talk about the upcomming trip and his plans for the last 3 weeks.

I just hope his weather holds out for him. It’s supposed to turn down right cold Friday night with lows in the 30’s. I know he packed enough clothes for 2 weeks :), so I’m sure he’ll be fine as long as there’s no rain to rain out the race. He asked me what souvenier I wanted him to bring me (his choices to me were a Jeff Gordon jacket, a Jeff Gordon shirt or a Jeff Gordon whatever I wanted LOL). I told him it didn’t HAVE to be Jeff Gordon that as long as it wasn’t Tony Stewart, I would be happy with whatever he brought me.  I’ll admit that I think Jeff is a good driver and is a much better sport than some of the others, but told Ken that Kasey Khane and Mark Martin were two other drivers that I admired although both were a little short for me.

I just think I know way too much about NASCAR drivers to be as uninterested in the sport as I really am. It just all sinks in when you hear it as much as I do, living in a house with a NASCAR fan.

Well, I must zoom off to work now.

Love to all,


One response so far

One Response to “Daily Notes 10-12-2006”

  1. Franceson 12 Oct 2006 at 4:54 pm 1

    Well I am sufficiently jealous of Ken going to Charlotte – would love, love, love it!! Sorry you don’t like Tony Stewart but my favs are Michael Waltrip and Kevin Harvick – or anyone who doesn’t drive a Ford. So glad there are are NOT five Rousch cars in the Chase this year. And yes, I bet it is going to be cold there. Tell Ken to let me know how it goes and tell me how many cops they have protecting Brian Vickers – heard they had to take their stickers off of everything except the hauler before they left Talledega last week because there were so many threats made – oh what people will do to protect their favorite Dale Earnhardt!!!!

    If you have never seen Colin’s pictures of Talledega two years ago you should take a look at them – bet he took a thousand pictures.

    Have a good weekend and I know I am going to enjoy the cooler weather – don’t care how cold it gets!!

    Love ya