Jul 21 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 07/21/2008

Posted at 9:50 am under Daily Notes

I am SUCH a slacker! I still have not put Chrystalyn’s stuff in the mail to Eddie — geez it’s not like I was busy this weekend or anything — just normal stuff. Reminder to self — get the stuff together and MAIL IT!

I sure hope you were cooler than I was this weekend! Was it ever hot and I see on the weather report today, it’s supposed to get up to 100! That’s just too blamed hot for South Carolina!

This weekend was the weekend of cleaning projects. I made up my mind I was going to give the bird cages and kennels a thorough cleaning and they got it. Cages were pressure washed and birds got lots of out time as I locked up all the dogs while the birds had a play day. They seemed to really enjoy it, too! I also bleached and pressure washed the runs and pens. I try to do this stuff on a regular basis, but it seems to have not been done as often as it should have the last couple of months.

Of course I had the regular stuff like laundry, kitchen clean up and sweeping/mopping to do but I managed it all plus read a couple of books. I started a book review blog a couple of weeks ago where I write reviews of the books I read. So far, they have mostly been thriller-type, but if you’re interested, the url is www.myreadingnook.com.  I saw some books at Sam’s Club Friday that I want to go back and pick up that I think Chrystalyn would enjoy when I finish reading them as they are about dragons. I did pick up one book Friday that I read — it was pretty good and the review for that is on the site.

Ken had an eye doctor’s appointment Thursday, but waited for over an hour and was never called in for the exam. He asked why it was taking so long and was told they had some emergencies and couldn’t give him any idea of how long it would be before he could be seen, so he left. We both understand and appreciate that emergencies happen, but the waiting patients need to be given an opportunity to reschedule if they can’t wait an indeterminate length of time to see the doctor. After all, they have their own lives that must be attended to and many  people aren’t paid while they are away from work for a doctor’s appointment, so lose money from their check. Added to that is the driving distance and time and you just really do more than inconvenience people when you don’t take that into consideration. Poor Ken was major stressed out Thursday after all that.


Well, now you know what’s going on in our lives!

Love to all,


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