Jul 23 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 07/23/2008

Posted at 6:39 am under Daily Notes

Monday night we had one horrendous storm at out house. The dogs were beside themselves in fear of it. I was sure there was a funnel cloud somewhere. We got pea-sized hail for nearly half an hour and the wind was so strange. The tops of the trees were whipping like mad, but at ground level, it was still as death. This caused more than one tree to be snapped in two, so the roads were littered with trees, branches and other items that had been ripped from their usual mooring – I saw pieces of a billboard alongside the highway going into work Tuesday.

We lost power for about two hours. I cooked dinner in the camper as Ken tried to get the generator filled with gas and moved in place so we could spend the night in the camper. About the time he got everything in order, the lights came back on, so we put everything away and went in the house to eat dinner. We had just enough time to eat when the lights went out again, but this time they came back on after just a few minutes. It meant I set the blasted clocks 3 times Monday night and the power must have flickered Tuesday as when I arrived home yesterday, I had to set them all again.

Another casualty of the storm is our roof.

I called a friend yesterday who does construction about fixing it. He’ll come out tomorrow to assess the damage and give us a quote on the materials and work, then do it next week. Meanwhile, the pots are ready for when it rains again as it’s supposed to do every night for the rest of this week.

I can’t complain a lot as we are in desperate need of the rain. Our yard looks awful and I’ve lost almost all my flowers. Even the cannas lilies that are planted over the septic tank look peaked this year. Usually they are unaffected by drought. I do have figs on the fig bush which suffered damage last year from the late frost we had. I need to read up on if I can cut it back this winter as it’s very leggy and, after the frost killed part of it, rather sparse as well.

Hope you haven’t had as much trouble from the storms that have traveled up and down the Smokies this week.

Love to all,


One response so far

One Response to “Daily Dose 07/23/2008”

  1. Eddieon 23 Jul 2008 at 7:52 am 1

    Whew! Sounds like it got rough out there last night. I hope your roof isn’t too bad. Things are pretty normal up here. I took Chrystalyn to the gym yesterday and we started some swim training I found online. We’ll probably do some walking today.

