Aug 09 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 08-09-2006

Posted at 12:29 pm under Uncategorized

Oh dear!! My daily notes are turning into not everyday 🙁 Bad me!

Had my follow-up visit to the cardiologist this morning. He says my heart is excellent and that the murmur I’ve had these past 10 years is a benign flow murmur, so I don’t even need to take antibiotics before dental work (YEAH!). That  was very good news 🙂

On the way back to the office, I was (as usual) listening to NPR news. This was the hour , called “Performance Today” that they have classical music, book readings and so forth. Today, between the lovely Faure piece and the heavier List adaptation, Garrison Keilor read a “poem” by some lady (have forgotten her name – my poor memory at work) titled “I’m afraid so” (or something like that — poor memory again). It was a nice enough piece as things go. Garrison does a nice job of reading it — good voice inflections and so forth. I want to know, though, when did poetry lose it’s rhyme? Maybe I’m old fashioned, not hip, no longer “with it” (although I seriously doubt I was ever considered either hip or with it), but to me, poetry is music spoken. It has a rhythm and cadence or beat to it. This piece had neither. Even poets I don’t particuarly admire like Maya Angelou have this aspect to their work. I mean — there was nothing particuarly enlightening or riveting or STIRRING about this piece. Yet, it won some kind of prize for the composer and, was read on national radio by a well-known announcer and author.  — Maybe there’s hope for my scribblings yet 😛

I had a lovely lunch with Martha and Janet (have played hooky a lot from work today — just being really bad!). We ate at the Brick Street Cafe — wondeful food — if you come to Greenville, call me up and we’ll go there to eat. I had a slice of quiche(spinach, mushrooms, dried tomatoes) with green salad and carrot cake for dessert. Too many calories, but YUMMY!! I’ll have to eat next to nothing for dinner tonight.

Ken was telling me last night that the 200 Germans who were supposed to come over to help with the new model roll out aren’t coming. Something about visas and homeland security. So….that means he’s going to 5-10 hour days plus every other Saturday and probably quite a few Sundays thrown in for good measure. He has nearly 2 weeks of vacation time left and I’m thinking about asking him take a whole week of it and getting some down time.  He’s been going like this with no or very few days off nearly all year this year and I think he could use the rest.

Chris sent me some cute pictures of Wesley and Anika. Of course, he sent them via the cellphone, so I’ll have to download or send them on to my email address to get them where the rest of you can see them. Both kids are cute as can be.

Yvonne also sent me a few pictures of Randy, so I’ll try to get his album updated with those here very soon. I’m also adding links to the albums over in the links section. Ma said she had trouble remembering how to find them, so I’ll try to make it easier on everyone including myself.

Guess I need to get back to work.

Love to all,



2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Daily Notes 08-09-2006”

  1. Nephewon 11 Aug 2006 at 6:35 am 1

    I agree with you about the poetry! I am part of a poetry-reading-and-discussion group here in St. Louis. The last book we discussed was interesting in places (disturbing in others!), but there was virtually no rhyming, no cadence, no rhythm. To me, that’s almost a “stream of consciousness” rather than poetry.

    Oh well — I guess that why I take photos instead of write poetry! 🙂

  2. eyespi20on 11 Aug 2006 at 11:33 am 2

    Well, I’m sure glad that I’m not in the boat by myself!

    I take photos too, just not on your level Nephew.

    We are very fortunate to have a wealth of talent in our genes. Sister Rose was the artist, Grandaddy Cox was an engineer and one of the other great aunts was a musician. Perhaps they were none one of them “greats” but they undisputedly HAD talent and that was passed on to other generations. You are taking your talent and perfecting it and are well on your way to becoming a “great” and I am so very proud of you for doing that.

    Ma keeps telling me she’s writing her memiors. I would love to have what she’s written so far and transcribe it as I’m so afraid that it will get lost. Those memories are very precious, to me at least.


    Auntie M