Aug 10 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 09-10-2006

Posted at 5:57 am under Uncategorized

Woke up at 12:20 am to the sounds of dogs raising cain and thunder roaring. Got out of bed and let the Doberman in — she has developed a tremendous fear of thunderstorms, so had broken out of her run. She was running madly from door to door trying to gain access to the house to get away from the pyrotechnics. I let her in and crated her and quiet resumed. Well, sort of. The thunder was still rolling and huge bolts of lightning were flashing like some kind of light show. All the other dogs were begging for admittance to the bedroom, but I would only allow 3 of them. Lottie the greyhound, Bridget and Sebastian, Whippets. Lottie went and laid on her bed in the corner of the bedroom and was quiet the rest of the night. Sebastian crawled under the bed where he feels safest and poor Bridget, the most upset of them all climbed in bed with Ken, Skinny Marie, Taco Belle and me. She lay there panting like she’d just run 10 miles and trembling so hard she vibrated the bed. The storm lasted what seemed like hours and all right overhead. Don’t know when I finally got back to sleep, but I’m really dragging this morning. There was a red ring around the moon this morning, so I guess that means we’ll get more rain today. It was also a bit foggy, so I’m hoping that means cooler temperatures as well. Do I sound like the Farmer’s Almanac here?

I’m meeting Sharyn Hutchins Saturday to send Lucas on the first leg of his journey to his new home. His new owners are in their 80’s, but are still very active and healthy. They have had a Whippet for many many years and just lost their last to cancer. They are a very special couple and are anxious to have Lucas living with them and enjoying thier life. They have a group of friends come over every morning for coffee and a romp in the fields 😉 Well, the people drink the coffee and their dogs do the romping :LOL: Lucas will enjoy that very much as he loves to run zoomies around the yard. His new family lives across the river from the Naval Academy. Since Eddie didn’t get to go, this will be almost like sending my son there.

Speaking of Eddie — I haven’t heard from him in nearly a week now. I know he’s busy and what free time he has, I’m sure he’s talking to Yvonne and Randy and Chrystalyn. I hope he didn’t over do on his run Saturday.  — I know — gee Mom! I’m nearly 34 years old! Give me some credit.  Well, son, let me tell you, I still get the same kind of stuff from MY Mom — it’s just a Mother’s job, you know??

Guess I need to get to work.

Love to all,



2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Daily Notes 09-10-2006”

  1. Eddieon 11 Aug 2006 at 10:59 pm 1

    No, Mom – I didn’t overdo it. I’ve been busy and am having e-mail problems at work. Matter of fact, I ran almost 2 1/2 miles yesterday morning in the dry heat. I’m taking good care of myself.



  2. eyespi20on 12 Aug 2006 at 4:24 am 2

    Well, as you read, I can relate to the email problems. Thankfully they are smoothed out for now.

    I’m glad to hear you are taking care of yourself.

