Aug 03 2006

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 08-03-2006

Posted at 11:27 am under Uncategorized

I’ve been trying to find information on dogs who circle or twirl on the net. Not much to find, but what I have found recommends low carb, high protein, high in triptophan diets. My reason for needing this information? The Chihuahua I got last year from fellow CCCC members Jack and Joyce Edney exhibits this behavior. He also seems to have some periods of what I can only refer to as “rage” since he gets this hard, angry look in his eyes and bites anything within reach. I’ve been calling them epileptic episodes, but they aren’t exactly like a seizure although he does appear to be exhausted and somewhat disoriented after one. Fortunately, he doesn’t have many of them and I have identified some triggers of them — baths, unfortunately seem to be a trigger as are large, white dogs :(. I thought the recommended diet was interesting and hope to get that confirmed by my vet later today.

In my search, I did find something interesting about zinc poisoining in dogs which I’ve written about in the health section. Since we recently went through this with the Cockatoo, it was alarming to read that dogs are also succeptible to zinc poisoning and from such an unlikely source! No wonder I hate pennies!

Hope all of you are staying cool! Thank goodness they’re saying cooler temps are in order for tomorrow!

Got to run….

Love to all,




3 responses so far

3 Responses to “Daily Notes 08-03-2006”

  1. Sis #2on 03 Aug 2006 at 6:16 pm 1

    Well, Doctor Doggie… Do you have any helpful honts for licking, licking, licking? Poor Gypsy can’t even sleep soundly for all the licking. Vet just says to give her Benedryl, but pills and liquid are a real struggle and I can’t see that it helps any. Sometimes if I beg hard enough he will reluctantly give her a cortisone shot. We go through this every summer. That’s why I keep her coat short so she at least doesn’t ball the hair up with her tongue.

    The only good I can see about the Chihuahua is that at least it’s not a Rottie or something big when it gets in a rage. That would really be a problem!

    If you haven’t looked at Colin’s site today, look at what he is up to now with his cycling!



  2. Sis #2on 03 Aug 2006 at 6:17 pm 2

    Helpful HINTS not honts, whatever they are! Ha

  3. eyespi20on 11 Aug 2006 at 11:37 am 3

    If she doesn’t have fleas (and knowing you, she doesn’t), then I would look into changing her dog food. Most allergies (and that’s what this sounds like it is), in dogs is a result of food allergies.

    Wheat and corn are primary suspects, but sometimes it’s the meat. There are some great foods available for dogs with food allergies.

    I know I feed all my dogs a food that has no wheat, corn or soy in it and is lamb based. Most of them do really well on it, but I do have one or two that do better on a diet with different stuff in it.


    Sis #3