Apr 23 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 04-23-2007

Posted at 11:15 am under Uncategorized

Morning all! Today the area managers all arrive for a week (well 4 days) of meetings and presentations. I baked cookies last night for everyone. I’m not too thrilled with how they turned out because they seem to be rather dry. Oh well — it’s been awhile since I baked anything, so guess I am rather rusty.

We went to the Blockhouse steeplechase Saturday. The weather was GORGEOUS!! Not too hot and not too cold, but I did get a touch more sun than I probably should have. My face and arms are a bit pink, but not painful, so think it will just turn to tan. I also didn’t get as many photos as I really wanted to. We arrived a touch later than we have on other occasions and I never seemed to get in step with the day after that.

Yesterday we spent doing stuff around the house. Ken mowed the grass and washed the cars while I cleaned the camper, did laundry and mopped and vacuumed. I fixed fried tilapia, garlic pasta and cole slaw for dinner (YUMMY!!). Ken’s sugar was a nice number this morning, so his worry that the pasta would do him in (despite my assurances that these were egg noodles, so wouldn’t push his sugar up). He also stole a couple of cookies last night before he went to bed.

Had an email from Erin this morning that she took Scarlett and Rose to a lure trial over the weekend and little dynamo, Scarlett took the blue ribbon from Open! Sweet Rose was 5th (or NBQ). I’m really proud of those two girls and thrilled that Erin could take time away from her studies to relax in the sun with them.

This week will hopefully not be too crazy. Last week about did me in!

Got to run!

Love to all,


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