Apr 20 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 04-20-2007

Posted at 10:18 am under Uncategorized

Good morning! It’s Friday! YEAH!

Yesterday’s problem seems to have resolved into the fact that the girl who issues PM’s flooded the system with over 300 PM calls (that’s preventive maintenance) and the ECON system processes them one at a time which ended up taking over 8 hours to process those calls. Everything is back on track now and my world is once again calm and peaceful (well as calm and peaceful as it ever gets 😛 )

Tomorrow is the Blockhouse race and Ken may actually not have to work and can come to it! Yeah! 😆 That makes me a happy person.

The BB lady came by my desk a few minutes ago wanting to know if I was going to be here all day as she may want me in a meeting later this afternoon. 😥 I had to tell her that yes, I would be here all day, but I do have a meeting for 2:30 this afternoon with the call center personnel. Although I don’t really expect that to take more than 30 minutes tops, I definitely DON’T want to get dragged into another interminable meeting with her a the helm. Working late today is not on my want-to-do-it list!

Speaking of work, I suppose I should get back to it.

Have a wonderful day!

Love to all,


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