Apr 24 2007

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Notes 04-24-2007

Posted at 12:19 pm under Uncategorized

 I’ve been in meetings all morning, so this is my first opportunity to post today.

I’ll probably be in meetings all day tomorrow, so may not post at all.

Yesterday, my site was down for 3-1/2 hours. They tell me it was due to an htaccess file in my files, but I never added one, so don’t know where it came from. Why did it all of a sudden decide to break the site yesterday?  I’m confused…:cry:

Am still having issues with Eservice. Yesterday, I got no files from them from 1:30 am until 8:15 pm. although that 8:15 pm file was pretty big and I got a lot of information, I’m still missing quite a bit as well. I’m trying to get them to resend the data from that open time period.

My hair is turning greyer by the second. 🙁

Need to run.

Love to all,


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