Archive for June 23rd, 2008

Jun 23 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 06/23/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Well, the upgrade didn’t go well at all. I arrived at the office a little before 8:00 pm on Saturday and went home at 2:00 pm Sunday. I got in bed Sunday afternoon a little after 4, got up at 7:30 or so and ate something, then went back to bed so I could start my day today at the usual time.

Our “partner” grossly underestimated the length of time it would take the program to update, and on top of that had me spinning circles for 3 hours as we tried to start the update AFTER applying a service pack instead of BEFORE we applied it. It was only after I did a complete uninstall of the upgrade, removed the service pack and started all over again that the upgrade even started. It took slightly over 10 hours for it to complete and we still need to apply the service pack and rerun the utilities program. My boss elected to defer that until another time (possibly this coming weekend — I haven’t talked to him yet to find out). This was an incredibly frustrating, not to mention exhausting ordeal and I am less than happy about it.

Woke up this morning to fog although it’s pretty much burned off by now, it was a nice cotton-wool wrapped drive to work. It wasn’t a dense enough fog to affect driving as visibility was pretty good. It let me stay in a zoned state at any rate. And now reality is hitting, but at least I had the cushion this morning.

Well, my people are coming in and everyone has questions, so I need to get to work.


Love to all,



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