Archive for June 18th, 2008

Jun 18 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 06/18/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

Ken’s tests have all come back negative, so we are still in the dark as to where his stomach pain is coming from.

I met with a personal trainer for the first time Monday — I just felt like I needed some direction in my exercise program and she’s providing that. She isn’t certified yet (which means I got her services pretty cheap!), but goes for her certification test on 7/19, so it’s just around the corner. Jennifer is very nice and very careful that I don’t do anything to aggravate my knees! She’s also a stickler for form, telling me that I’ll have less chance of hurting myself if I’ll hold my body in the right position while doing the exercises. We did all leg work Monday and today we did upper arms. Friday we’ll do a different set of upper body and abs. I also did 15 minutes on the elliptical machine which was a real challenge. I was wringing wet when I got off the machine!

Ken and I both caught some kind of stomach virus over the weekend (just what he needed, right?). I spent most of Sunday in bed as I was just too miserable to move. I still have stomach cramps and so on, but don’t feel bad in general. No appetite, but that just means I’m losing some weight which I needed to do anyway.

We went Saturday to see the Indiana Jones movie. It had some corny spots in it, but was a great Saturday afternoon flick. It was kind of sad to go without John and Eddie in tow, since that’s how we saw the last Indiana Jones movies 😛

We’re getting ready for Chrystalyn’s visit the first week of July. I’ve cleared out the dog room of all it’s doggy paraphernalia and have put up a twin bed and emptied out a drawer in the dresser that’s been hiding in the closet for her to put her clothes in. 

I’m headed to West Virginia the Friday she leaves. It’s one of those tiny shows that doesn’t get much of a Whippet entry, so I’m hoping against hope to finish Butterfly up there. Our little friend Michelle has entered her puppy dog and a friend of hers is sending another male Whippet, so there  will be one point in dogs and Michelle also entered her bitch, which means there will also be one point in bitches. Now Butterfly just has to win, so you all keep your fingers crossed!


Well, I think that gets you all caught up with us.


Love to all,



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