Archive for June 4th, 2008

Jun 04 2008

Profile Image of Margaret

Daily Dose 06/04/2008

Filed under Daily Notes

I’ve been sadly neglectful of this faithful blog this past 10 days or so. I apologize!


Let’s see… well, you know I got a new car for my birthday, so maybe it hasn’t been that long really.


Ken went back to the doctor yesterday as the pain in his stomach and back hasn’t abated despite finishing the antibiotic. She feels like he now has a second hernia. She gave him steroids and pain killers which  relieved his discomfort a lot and he goes Friday for some massage therapy to help his back and then back to the doctor on Wednesday to possibly refer him to a surgeon about the new hernia.

Chrystalyn called me the other night to wish me a belated happy birthday. She fell the other day and twisted her ankle pretty badly — she’s in an air cast and they are afraid she damaged the growth plates in her ankle. She was supposed to see an orthopedist today, but I haven’t heard how that went.

Chris celebrated his birthday on the 2nd. I know Ken talked to him, but I had a meeting last night and forgot to ask what they talked about and how everybody was.

We have a show in Asheville this weekend. We have 3 Whippets and Payne (crested) entered. Keep your fingers crossed for us! When that show is over, Payne leaves with Angela and Michelle to go to a couple of shows in Arkansas. She’ll be gone a total of 3 weeks as they are going to Texas the week between the two Arkansas shows. I’ll miss my little girl! I know she’ll be good for them, though.


Work has been steady. We’re going to be upgrading the software on the 21st. We were going to do it this weekend and I was going to have to drive to Greenville Saturday night to get it done, but they decided to put it off a couple of weeks so some key people could get back from vacation.


Well, I think that catches you up on us. See, you weren’t too out of it.

Love to all,



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